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RAIT conferred 'Best Engineering College' of Maharashtra and Goa award
Thursday January 14, 2016 12:36 PM, News Network

Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology (RAIT), the premium institution in Navi Mumbai, has been conferred with the 'Best Engineering College' of Maharashtra and Goa at the 45th Annual National Convention of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and International Conference.

The award was received by the Principal of RAIT, Dr. Ramesh Vasappanavara during the convention which was held from January 9-11, 2016, according to RAIT Alumni newsletter.

After receiving the award Dr. Vasappanavara said that it was the continuous contribution of industry in academics that had helped him and his team to enhance their curriculum and motivate students in research and innovation.

The Annual National Convention of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) helps enrich the knowledge of students all over the state and creates an exposure to showcase their talent.

This year the convention focused on the role and expectations of industry in shaping engineering education.

The focus of convention was also on the need for compulsory internship during vacations for engineering students.

The convention suggested regular institute-industry interaction for skill development of engineering students and to meet challenges faced by them towards matching industry expectations and enhancing the caliber of faculty and students.


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