New Delhi: The Central Board of Seconday Education (CBSE) is considering action - including withdrawal of their affiliation, against some 1700 schools which have allowed more than 40 students per class and section.
According to a report by The Times of India Thursday, the violation was detected through the board’s Online Affiliated School Information System (OASIS).
Under CBSE norms, schools cannot register more than 40 students per section. With the data out on defaulters, the board is reportedly intending to penalise close to 1,700 private schools across India by sending them a show-cause notice for withdrawal of affiliation and a fine of Rs 500 or more per extra student.
These schools make up around 7-8% of all schools under CBSE, the TOI said in its report.
The move is also seen as a crackdown against “renting of seats” by private schools. This is done for students who are enrolled in schools which they don’t regularly go to but actually take private coaching, and the schools mark their attendance in absentia.
OASIS was introdced in 2016 with an aim to bring the entire school information on a digital platform.
CBSE detected the flouting of the class strength rule when data stored in OASIS on the total seats in each school was matched with the number of students being registered in classes IX and XI. It was found that the registrations exceeded the number of seats allowed for the school in many cases.
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) started on its website online registration of Class IX (Class 9) and Class XII (Class 11) students from the last week..The registration process is underway. The last date of application is October 22, 2018.
"Schools should enter number of sections and number of students which should be in consonance with the information provided on OASIS. This information should be filled very carefully in OASIS as schools will not be allowed to change the declared section/strength afterwards", the CBSE notification clearly says.
Meanwhile, CBSE has also released the list of Vocational and Core Academic subjects for Class 10 and Class 12 students for the examination which is scheduled to be held in February and March/April 2019. The CBSE Class X and Class XII 2019 date sheet is expected to be relased soon.
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