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Fact Check: No, Maharashtra Govt has not removed ‘Momin’ from OBC list

The Fact Check analysis of a Malegaon based Urdu daily ‘Shamnama’ report dated Saturday January 11, 2025 claiming that the Government of Maharashtra has removed ‘Momin’ from its list of Other Backward Classes (OBC) is found to be fake, false and misleading

Sunday January 12, 2025 4:31 PM, Fact Check by Team

Fact Check: No, Maharashtra Govt has not removed ‘Momin’ from OBC list Fact Check: A Malegaon based Urdu daily ‘Shamnama’ in its report Saturday January 11, 2025 claimed that the Government of Maharashtra has removed ‘Momin’ from its list of Other Backward Classes (OBC).

The fact check analysis of the report, however, revealed that the claim made by the Shamnama Urdu Daily is fake and misleading.


The Shamnama Urdu Daily in a front page report dated January 11, 2025 has headlined that ‘Momin bradari OBC fehrist se bahar’.

Translated in English, the headline means, “Momin caste has been removed from the OBC list”.

In its report, Shamnama has called the decision of the Mahayuti government of Maharashtra as “anti-minority”.

The Urdu daily in its report also criticized the Maharashtra government, lamenting that it has removed “Momin community, which is part of Muslims - the second largest majority in India” from the OBC list.

The Urdu daily based in Malegaon also called the “decision” anti-Muslim and a challenge for Muslim MLAs in Maharashtra.

Shamnama also warned that the removal of "Momin" as one of the castes from the OBC list of Maharashtra government will be a “major blow to Muslim youth seeking admission in higher education and government jobs”.

For its report, Shamnama has cited the Government of Maharashtra GR No. 202501091129055634 dated January 09, 2025.

The GR has the digital signature of Ravindra Ramdas Petkar, Deputy Secretary, Govt of Maharashtra. The copy of the GR can be found here.

The same report was later carried by another Urdu daily "Tarjuman e Urdu" on Sunday January 12, 2025.

Fact Check: No, Maharashtra Govt has not removed ‘Momin’ from OBC list

Fact Check

The fact check analysis of the Shamnama report revealed that the claims made in the report are misleading, false and far from true.

A glance at the Government GR showed “मोमिन, वगळले” or "Momin, Omitted” written on Page no 12 at No. 191.

Fact Check: No, Maharashtra Govt has not removed ‘Momin’ from OBC list

“Vagaḷalē” is the Marathi word meaning “omitted”.

In the same GR, however, it is also mentioned and written “जुलाहा, अन्सारी” or “Julaha, Ansari” on Page no 9 at No. 57.

Fact Check: No, Maharashtra Govt has not removed ‘Momin’ from OBC list

Talking to, sources in Mantralaya, Mumbai said that “अन्सारी” or “Ansari” was written two times in the Maharashtra government list of OBCs.

The Maharashtra government in its GR dated January 09, 2025 has corrected the same, and removed “अन्सारी” which was mentioned in the list two times, and not removed “मोमिन” as claimed by the Shamnama Urdu Roznama.

A further investigation led us to the Maharshtra Government GR No. 201906041555128722 dated June 04, 2019.

This GR is also signed by Ravindra Ramdas Petkar, Deputy Secretary, Govt of Maharashtra, whose digital signature is on GR dated January 09, 2025. The Maharshtra Government GR dated June 04, 2019 said:

"अन्सारी या जातीची नोंद इतर मागासवगाच्या यादीतील अ.क्र.57 व अ.क्र.191 वर आहे. त्यामुळे अन्सारी जातीची दुबार नोंद झाल्याचे स्पष्ट्ट होते. त्यामुळे आयोगाची शशफारस मान्य करण्यात येत असून इतर मागासवगाच्या यादीतील अ.क्र. 191 वरील मोमीन या जातीची नोंद कायम ठेऊन “अन्सारी” या जातीची नोंद वगळण्यात येत आहे.”

Loosely translated in English, it said:

“Ansari caste is recorded at No. 57 and No. 191 in the list of other backward classes. So, it is clear that the Ansari caste has been registered twice. Therefore, the recommendation of the commission is accepted and Momin caste at No. 191 in the list of other backward classes. The entry of “Ansari” caste is being omitted while retaining the entry.”

The copy of the GR can be found here

Fact Check: No, Maharashtra Govt has not removed ‘Momin’ from OBC list

This also clearly implies that “अन्सारी” was mentioned in the Maharashtra government list of OBCs twice.

A mention of “मोमिन, अन्सारी” can also be found in a government of Maharashtra notification dated September 26, 2008.

Fact Check: No, Maharashtra Govt has not removed ‘Momin’ from OBC list

Accordingly, the government made the correction as per its latest GR, and removed "Ansari" that was mentioned in its OBC list twice.

Further investigation by revealed that the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) also mentions “Julaha, Momin, Julaha-Ansari, Momin-Ansari” at No. 50 in its list of OBCs for Maharashtra titled “CENTRAL LIST OF OBCs FOR THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA” and found here and here.


This is therefore concluded that the claim by Shamnama Urdu Daily and Tarjuman e Urdu in their reports dated January 11 and 12, 2025 that “The Maharashtra Government has removed “Momin” caste from its list of OBCs” is false, misleading and incorrect.

[The members of All India Momin Conference Malegaon - especially Dr Javed Ansari, Sohail Abdul Karim and Abdul Haleem Siddiqui, have contributed and provided inputs for this report.]

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