Aligarh: Jamia Urdu Aligarh will bestow upon its 'Daktur-e-Adab' degree to the Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh in March, 2014.
The dceision was taken in a meeting of Jamia Urdu Aligarh Executive Committee & Mushawarati Council held Thursday under chairmanship of Registrar Shamoon Raza Naqvi.
"Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh is not only internationally reputed economist but also a symbol of Indian secularism and communal harmony", Shamoon Raza said while announcing the decision.
He pointed out that the prime minister's well mannered cool behavior has established new milestones in Indian politics and so Daktur-e-Abad Degree should be presented to him in the forthcoming Convocation of Jamia Urdu Aligarh.
He said Dr. Manmohan Singh himself belongs toa minority community and he truly tried to translate Constitutionally secularism on ground level.
Welcoming the proposal, Director Jasim Mohammad said the way Dr. Monmohan Singh has carried on the governance during his tenure of UPA-I and UPA-II is an example because the communal forces tried in every manner to destabilize the peace and brotherhood in country.
He said that India is continuously embarking upon the progressive path.
Chairman of Mushawarti Council Prof. Razaullah Khan said that India is now among the world powers and credit goes to the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh alone. The way he carried on India during world economic recession is an example of farsightness.
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