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'Holy Quran best guide to dealing with people of different nature and psychology'
Saturday November 7, 2015 3:52 PM, Staff Reporter

Akkalkuwa (Nandurbar):
Inaugurating the 35th annual seminar of the Rabita al-Adab al-Islami (International League of Islamic Literature) on Friday at Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom, Akkalkuwa, Sayid Rabey Hasani Nadvi observed that literature and writing skills can be significantly improved and made more effective for the humanity with the help from the Holy Quran.
"Holy Quran is the finest piece of literature. It guides us in an eloquent style how to deal with people of different nature and psychology", Sayid Rabey Hasani Nadvi, President of the Rabita, said while addressing the inaugural session of the 3-day annual seminar of the Rabita titled 'Eloquence and Style of Guidance in the Holy Quran'.
"In the Holy Quran Allah, the Almighty, has addressed all kinds of people. The eloquent manner shows when dealing with different types of people their nature, mindset and also the psychology must be kept in mind", he added.
Stressing that Islamic literature is in fact the literature for humanity, Mohammad Ilyas Bhatkali, Secretary of the Rabita, presented brief history of the organisation established in 1981.
He said the Rabita was founded by late Syid Ali Miya Nadvi at a time when the Muslim community was under stiff challenge because of the easily available erotic literature.
"Syid Ali Miya Nadvi was first to realise the danger and impact of such literature on the Muslim generation. He established the Rabita and pawed the way for publication of Islamic literature", he added.
He also said that the contribution of the Rabita since its establishment in the field of literature, especially Literature of Children, is unmatchable.

Ghulam Mohammad Vastanvi, Rector of Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom, Akkalkuwa and convener of the 35th annual seminar of the Rabita al-Adab al-Islami (International League of Islamic Literature) in his address shared with the audience a brief history of the Jamia.

He said the Jamia was established with two teachers and six students, but today the campus has a total of 13,335 students.

"Today the Jamia has all facuties including a Madrasa, Engineering college, Polytechnic, Unani Medical College besides school and junior college", he said.

He also said that in Jamia's 92 branches spread in different parts of the country a total of 28,539 students are studying.

"Besides this, we also have MBBS college near Aurangabad", he said.

More than 13,000 people including delegates from different parts of the country are participating in the 3-day seminar which will conclude on Sunday in the evening.

Prominent people who have come to Akkalkuwa for the seminar are Sheikh Ibrahim Hashim al-Ahdal (Umm al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia), Mohammad Husain Abu Bakra Koya (Kerala), Nazrul Hafeez Nadvi, Saeedur Rehman Azmi, Abdulla Kapodri, Dr Mohsin Usmani Nadvi, Dr Khalid Ghazipuri, Syid Wazeh Rasheed Nadvi, Mufti Gyasuddin Rehmani and Abdul Hameed Azhari.



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