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UP 10th Result 2021 declared - Latest update

Candidates will get the marks sheet within three days of the announcement of the "UP 10th Matric result 2021"

Saturday July 31, 2021 4:38 PM, ummid.com News Network

UP 10th Result 2021 Live

Uttar Pradesh Board Class 10th Result 2021: The Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Board (UPSEB), also known as Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP), has declared today Class 10 (UPMSP Class X Madhyamik) Matric result 2021 on its official website upmsp.edu.in and "upresults.nic.in".

"UP 10th result 2021" is declared today at 03:55 pm instead of 03:30 pm as announced earlier.

The board registered a Pass Percentage of 99.53 in 10th exam. The pass percentage for Class 10 was 83.3% in 2020.

A total of 16,76, 916 boys and 13,19,115 girls had registered for "UP Board Class 10th" exam that was cancelled due to Covid 2nd wave. Of them, 16,68,868 boys and 13,13,187 girls have been declared pass with the board registering overall pass percentage of 99.53.

The pass percentage of boys is 99.52% whereas that of girls is 99.55%.

Steps to check "UP 10 Result 2021"

1. Click here to go to the Allahabad board's official website: upresults.nic.in.
2. Click on the link "U. P. Board Matric (Class X) Examination - 2021 Results".
3. Enter the necessary details like Roll Number and school code.
4. Click on Submit button.
5. Results will be displayed on the screen.
6. The candidates are advised to take a printout for future use.

The "UP board 10th result 2021" can also be checked on upmsp.edu.in, IndiaResults.com and some other websites.

"Key Result Updates"

1. "How Many Students": Over 26 lakh students from different districts of Uttar Pradesh had registered for the UP 2021 Matric exam that was cancelled because of the Covid-19 second wave.

2. "UP 10th Topper 2021": Though result has been prepared based on internal assessment, the UP government, unlike other states, will release Merit List and Toppers details. The government has also announced laptop and Rs 1 lakh as a token of appreciation for "UP 10th toppers".

3. "How to find UP Roll Number": If you do not know your high school roll number, then you can get it by visiting the official website of the board. Candidates can also get their roll number from their schools.

4. "Evaluation Method": For Class 10 or matric result, 50% of marks obtained in Class 9 and 50% of marks obtained in pre-board of Class 10 will be considered for result preparation.

5. Candidates will get the marks sheet within three days of the announcement of the result which will be valid and accepted in universities and higher education institutions for seeking admissions.

6. Students who will not be satisfied by the marks awarded to them as per the special evaluation scheme will be allowed to appear for physical exams. The dates of this exam will be informed by the board later.

"UP 10th Result, Toppers 2020"

The Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Board (UPSEB), also known as Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP), had declared 10th Madhyamik and 12th Inter result on June 27 in 2020.

The overall pass percentage of Uttar Pradesh board Class 10 in 2020 was 83.31 per cent - an improvement by more than 3% as compared to last year. In 2019, the overall pass percentage was 80.07%.

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