releases secret CIA document
Whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks Wednesday published an internal
report by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) into a perception
that the US was exporting
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Washington: Citing the
case of Pakistani-American David Headley, a classified CIA document
released by whistleblower organisation Wikileaks asks what would
happen if foreign countries began to view the US as an "exporter of
The document prepared by the CIA's "red cell", a unit responsible
for preparing analysis papers from an adversarial perspective, notes
that a number of Americans have travelled overseas to commit violent
acts, like Headley, who has pleaded guilty to conducting
surveillance in support of the 26/11 Lashkar-i-Taiba (LeT) attack in
Pakistan based terrorist outfit "LeT induced him to change his name
from Daood Gilani to David Headley to facilitate his movement
between the US, Pakistan and India," it said.
Such exports are not new, the paper said. Baruch Goldstein, an
American Jewish doctor, killed 29 Palestinians praying at a mosque
at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in 1994. That helped trigger
a wave of bus bombings by the extremist Palestinian Hamas group, in
1995, it noted.
US citizens also provided "financial and material support" for armed
groups in Northern Ireland: much of the funding for the Irish
Republican Army, for example, came from Irish-Americans.
"Contrary to common belief, the American export of terrorism or
terrorists is not a recent phenomenon," the report said. "Nor has it
been associated only with Islamic radicals or people of Middle
Eastern, African or South Asian ethnic origin."
"This dynamic belies the American belief that our free, open and
integrated multicultural society lessens the allure of radicalism
and terrorism for US citizens. Late last year five young Muslim
American men travelled from northern Virginia to Pakistan allegedly
to join the Pakistani Taliban and to engage in jihad."
The three-page document, dated Feb 2, 2010, asked, "What If
Foreigners See the United States as an 'Exporter of Terrorism?' "and
concluded that foreign governments would be less likely to cooperate
with the US on detention, intelligence-sharing, and other issues.
"If the US were seen as an exporter of terrorism, foreign partners
may be less willing to cooperate with the United States on
extrajudicial activities, , including detention, transfer, and
interrogation of suspects in third party countries," the report
"Primarily we have been concerned about Al Qaeda (AQ) infiltrating
operatives into the United States to conduct terrorist attacks, but
AQ may be increasingly looking for Americans to operate overseas,"
said the document.
"As a recent victim of high-profile terrorism originating from
abroad, the US Government has had significant leverage to press
foreign regimes to acquiesce to requests for extraditing terrorist
suspects from their soil.
"However, if the US were seen as an 'exporter of terrorism,' foreign
governments could request a reciprocal arrangement that would impact
US sovereignty," the leaked CIA document said.
George Little, a CIA spokesman, said in a statement that the
document was merely a think piece - one of many prepared by the
"These sorts of analytic products, clearly identified as coming from
the agency's 'red cell', are designed simply to provoke thought and
present different points of view," he said.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner declined "to comment on the
contents of classified material that's put up on WikiLeaks. I don't
think I can."
Wikileaks has released dozens of leaks over the years, but it gained
particular attention last month, when it published more than 75,000
classified US military documents on the war in Afghanistan. It has
promised to release another 15,000 in the coming weeks.
(Arun Kumar can
be contacted at arun.kumar@ians.in)