Mumbai: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has invited interested and eligible school students for the NSS - NASA Ames Space Settlement Contest 2018. Last date to apply for this contest is February 15, 2018.
"This annual contest, co-operated by NASA Ames Research Center, San Jose State University, and the National Space Society (NSS), is for all students up to 12th grade (18 years old) from anywhere in the world", NASA said in a statement.
"Individuals, small teams of two to five, and large teams of six or more are judged separately. Entries are also grouped by age/grade of the oldest contestant for judging". NASA said.
The age groups are 7th and under, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. The grand prize is awarded to the best entry regardless of contestant age.
"Students develop space settlement designs and related materials. These are sent to NASA Ames for judgement. Submissions must be received by February 15", NASA said.
Contest prizes and certificates
A NASA certificate will be sent to all winners.
"By default, we send paper certificates to the address on the entry form. A student can opt to receive his or her certificates as pdfs sent to email address, which is much faster and more reliable. There is a check box on the entry form to request a pdf", NASA said.
The best submission, regardless of category, wins the grand prize, consisting of the space colony submission being placed on the NASA Ames World Wide Web site.
A student may use other people's ideas in his or her entry, but not other people's writing. In recent years plagiarism, copying other people's writing rather than doing your own, has become a serious problem. Every year up to 30% of all entries are caught copying materials from the web. They are eliminated from the competition.
Send a hard copy of your entry and two hard copies of a filled out entry form (one firmly attached to your entry and the other loosely attached, perhaps with a paper clip) to:
NASA Ames Research Center
Al Globus/Mail Stop 262-4 or
Lauren Claudatos/Mail Stop 262-4
Bldg. 262, Rm. 269
Moffett Field, CA 94035-0001
Apply Online for NASA 2018 Contest
Follow the steps given as under to go to NASA contest website.
- Click here to go to NASA contest website: "NASA Contest" and read the instructions carefully
- Click here to go to Online Form Submission page: "NASA Space Settlement Design Contest Entry Form"
- Fill out this form and print two paper copies. Attach one to your contest entry and include the other but leave it unattached.
Please note that you must have a parent sign in the "Parent Signature" box after printing to give NASA permission to place the student's name on NASA's web site and to use any part of the entry for any purpose. If you are working under the guidance of a teacher, include your teacher's name.
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