New Delhi: India's
youngest ministry has the enormous task of ridding rural areas of
open defecation and unsafe drinking water with about 245 million
people in the country still without access to sanitation
facilities and nearly 76 million still not getting adequate safe
drinking water.
The creation of a Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation is
expected to accelerate efforts to provide access to adequate
potable water in 150,000 rural habitations and access to
sanitation to about 30 percent of 833 million rural population
lacking these basic amenities, officials said.
Drinking water and sanitation earlier constituted a department of
the Ministry of Rural Development. The new ministry will deal with
water supply, sewage, drainage and sanitation in rural areas.
After Gurudas Kamat failed to take the responsibility of the new
ministry in last week's cabinet jig, its charge has been given to
Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh. Officials of the new
ministry are happy about their elevated status. As a department,
it had a huge budget of Rs.11,000 crore (Rs 110 billion) this
"We learnt about the decision of the new ministry only after the
cabinet reshuffle," a senior official told IANS, speaking only on
condition of anonymity.
The officials said that drinking water in both urban and rural
areas should come under the new ministry to give it a better
profile and to tackle water management in an integrated manner.
"Standards of water supply in both areas should be the same. Urban
areas mostly get water from rural areas but the effluent waste
goes to rural areas, affecting the quality of water there. We
can't look at issues in isolation," one official said.
But he agreed that the issue was more acute in rural areas. "About
1.5 lakh (150,000) of the 16.6 lakh (1.66 million) rural
habitations which is about 76 million people in the country do not
have access to adequate safe drinking water ," he said.
Another official said that rural sanitation coverage "had gone up
from 27.35 percent in 2004 to 70.37 percent in 2010-11 but about
245 million people still do not have access to sanitation."
He said though the country had set itself the goal of 100 percent
rural sanitation coverage by 2012, the target has now been revised
to 2017 -- due to the enormity of the task.
The government is keen that by the end of the 12th five-year plan
(2012-17), at least 55 percent of rural households should be
provided with piped water, and at least 35 percent should have
household connections. Rural drinking water is one of the six
components of Bharat Nirman, an initiative of the government to
build the rural infrastructure since 2005.
The programme aims to cover rural habitations not having drinking
water facilities and to address problems related to water quality
such as contamination of arsenic and flouride.
A World Bank study last year said that India loses almost $53.8
billion or 6.4 percent of its GDP through hygiene-related
diseases, lost productivity and other factors stemming from poor
Only about 366 million people - around a third of population - had
access to proper sanitation in 2008, according to a UN study.
According to a UNICEF report, combined effects of inadequate
sanitation, unsafe water supply and poor hygiene were responsible
for 88 percent of childhood fatalities from diarrhoea in the
country. Poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water cause
intestinal worm infections, which lead to malnutrition, anaemia
and retarded growth among children.
The report said about 638 million people in India defecate in the
open, which is about 55 percent of the total population defecating
in the open in the world.
India's first nationwide programme of rural sanitation, the
Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP) was launched in 1986.
Another programme, Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), was launched
in 1999 with the aim of ending open defecation.
(Prashant Sood can be
contacted at