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Gita Abhiyan – To spread Communalism?

Monday July 25, 2011 05:39:03 PM, Rajni Aithal

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The Karnataka BJP government has been involved in one or the other controversies since it has assumed power three years back. It had been in the news for its corruption, for its performance, for its Land Acquisition activities to name the few and now the recent Gita Abhiyan- to teach Gita in schools in primary and high school. Is this the new way of spreading communalism adopted by the BJP government?


Mr. Vishveshwar Hegde Kageri even has gone one step further and said that “Attend Gita classes or leave India”. What does this statement mean?

First of all Mr. Kageri has to remember that India is a Secular Democratic Country where not religion but Constitution is supreme. Constitution is above law and also above Hinduism, Islamism or Christianity.


Secondly, our constitution has granted us the right to practice profess and propagate ones religion but that also within our limits by seeing that our action does not hurt anyone. We are fortunate that we do not have any state-religion as some other autocratic regimes such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia does.


In fact in India we have a clause Article 15 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, race, sex etc and found to be practicing is something punishable. Schools are supposed to be the pillars of moulding children’s mind and making them good citizens.


Through this Gita Abhiyan are we making the children’s mind communal and teaching them hatred against other religions. Our constitution has seen that no religious teachings are carried out by any educational institutions maintained by the state.

All religions teach love, compassion, and respect towards other religions. There are good teachings in all religions and we should follow them in our daily life.


Likewise in Bhagwad Gita which is basically a text containing the conversation between Krishna and Arjun teaches good things but it is good that we teach our children at home rather than at school.


If the government is so much adamant about teaching Bhagwad Gita then why Quran and Bible should not be taught to them? Why they are not insisting about teaching Quran or Bible to the children?

Further the Education Minister should remember that the children are very innocent in their first seven years of age and it is the age of playing and learning new things. What right does the Government have to communalise the minds of these innocent children?


Instead of teaching them how to hate others let us teach them instead how to love children from other religions. The schools should be left in the domain of the children only and should be taught how to uphold the values of unity and integrity and the ways to strengthen them.


If we really want to teach the children something let us teach them instead the meaning and essence of constitution and the rights of the people.






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