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End discrimination against Unani doctors, Maharashtra Govt. urged

Saturday, June 12, 2010 09:23:34 PM, Staff Reporter

Karim Salar making a point in front of Arif Naseem Khan. On his right is Mfti Mohd Ismael


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Malegaon: Following a meeting with various umbrella organisations working for BUMS doctors in the state, Minister of Minority Department in the Maharashtra Government Arif Naseem Khan directed the secretaries of the concerned departments to prepare a draft so that the discrimination against the Unani doctors is brought to an end.


According to Karim Salar – Chairman Iqra Education Society, Jalgaon, who was present in the meeting held in the Minister’s Mantralaya office on June 8, 2010 on the request of the MLA of Malegaon Mufti Mohd Ismael - demands are continuously made in front of the state government to grant 25% quota in government hospitals for Unani doctors in line with what the government has accorded to Ayurvedic doctors.


“The State Government in its GR dated October 30, 2000 reserved a job quota of 25% in government hospitals for Ayurvedic doctors having BAMS degrees. The Supreme Court in its judgment, government guidelines on recruitment & conditions of service for persons serving in Union and State Governments in its Article 309, and Maharashtra Medical Practitioners’ Act 1961, all consider and treat BAMS and BUMS degrees equally. Considering this any proposal for BAMS doctors is automatically extended to Unani doctors”, Karim Salar said while speaking to


“But the state government in Maharashtra perhaps has an opposite view. This is why while it provides all sorts of job opportunities to Ayurvedic doctors the same is not extended to Unani doctors”, he added.


“The attitude of the state government is strange as Article 16 (1) of the Indian Constitution too guarantees equality of opportunities in matters of public appointments”, he asserted.


Based on these arguments, the organisations requested the Minister to grant a similar quota in government jobs for BUMS doctors as well.

The Minister then directed the secretaries of the concerned departments who were present in the meeting to prepare a draft to end this discrimination. The organisations expect that the draft once prepared would be presented in the cabinet for the final approval.


Interestingly, despite clear-cut guidelines about BUMS and BAMS doctors, the state government in Maharashtra is not convinced. The result is that while Ayurvedic doctors are regularly considered for jobs in government hospitals, Unani doctors fail to get the same.


Hundreds of Unani doctors from half a dozen Unani Medical Colleges in Maharashtra are completing their degrees every year. However, since the government does not consider BUMS degrees at par with others, Unani doctors are hardly considered for postings in the government hospitals.


Unsuccessfully fighting with the state government for years, the organisations are now in no mood to take any chance. Despite assurances by Arif Nasim Khan, they are all set to present their case in front of the President of India, Mrs. Pratibha Tai Patil today evening. The President is on a week-long visit of the State.





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