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The Renaissance of

Unani Medicine has begun

By Aleem Faizee


Conference ended with an assertion for hosting

an International Conference: The conference ended on March 09 at 06:30 in the evening with an assertion by Arshad Mukhtar, the secretary of Mohammadia Tibbia College for hosting an International conference on Unani medicine. “The success of the conference has motivated us to prepare for an International Conference in our campus”, he said while addressing the valedictory session.


More than 250 scholars from various Unani medical colleges of the country presented their papers in this two-day conference and over 500 delegates, including the students and internees participated from all across the country. Prominent among them were Prof Anees Ansari, Hkm Shafakkat Azmi, Dr. Ferha Naaz, Arshad Pathan, Dr. Qamar Jahan and Dr. Gazala.



Dr. Hakim Syed Khalifatullah, Vice-President of  

CCIM (Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi)

addressing the conference in Malegaon


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"Health is not the subject of the Central Government alone. Nor of the State Government. It is in fact a concurrent matter and we all have to share the responsibility for a better public health system in the country”, noted Dr. Hakim Syed Khalifatullah, Vice-President of  CCIM (Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi) while inaugurating the two-day National Conference on Unani Medicine. The conference was held at Mohammadia Tibbia College, Mansoora in Malegaon on March 8th & 9th, 2008.


The veteran Unani expert Dr. Khalifatullah, who has the privilege of working as the physician for President R. Venkat Raman along with holding various distinguished positions, praised the management of the college for holding this conference. Recalling the vision of the college founder Maulana Mukhtar Ah Nadvi-an internationally acclaimed Islamic Scholar who died few months before this conference, Dr. Khalifatullah said, “Providing up to the mark infrastructure in Unani Medical Colleges has really become a challenge. Maulana Mukhtar had always dreamt for a state-of-the-art Unani Medical College and today what we see at Mohammadia Tibbia College is the efforts of the Maulana and his friends who vigorously worked for achieving their goal.”


Confident that the conference would play a major role in developing newer ideas to combat the challenges facing the Unani medicine, S. H. Fugare-Registrar of MUHS (Maharashtra University of Health Science) asserted the need for a renewed commitment for the revival of the Unani system. He said, “Despite having its roots in India, Unani Medicine System suffered because it didn’t have Government patronage during the British rule. But the commitments of Hakims like Ajmal Khan helped the system to survive.”


Stating that we are lagging behind in manufacturing of the Unani drugs, Dr. S. A. Pasha, Deputy Director Department of AYUSH (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India) observed, “When Ayurvedic medicines worth millions of rupees are being exported from India, it is almost zero in case of Unani medicines”, adding, “The reason is we don’t have enough manufacturers.”


While veteran pharmacologist Dr. Yusuf Amin stressed on the need for scientifically validating the Unani medicines using the emerging inventions, Scientist and Asst. Proctor at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Prof Naeem Ah Khan said, “We are certainly on the verge of a renaissance. Though to the smaller scale, scientific validation of the Unani medicines has actually begun.”


The inaugural function ended with the closing remarks by Arshad Mukhtar, the patron of the conference, urging the participants to work for becoming the best. “Organizing a conference is not a big deal. The important thing is to put the ideas into actions”, he said.







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