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Mazhar, Salman first to clear UPSC Prelims from Haj Committee's coaching cell

Saturday August 20, 2011 05:32:30 PM, Staff Reporter

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Coaching centre for UPSC Exams at Mumbai Hajj House

Malegaon: Two years after its inception, the IAS & Allied Services coaching and guidance cell at the Hajj Committee of India, Mumbai finally registered the much needed success when two of its students cleared the UPSC prelim exams the results of which were declared August 18.


"Yes, we are glad that two of our students - Mohd Mzahar of Nellore (Andhra Pradesh) and Salaman Taj 0f Sholapur (Maharashtra), have successfully cleared the UPSC Prelims. They should now eye for the success in the final exams", Director of the centre S.A.M. Hashmi said while speaking to on phone.


Mohd Mazhar is a Computer graduate and Salman Taj is an MBA.


In order to improve representation of the Muslims in the civil services, the Hajj Committee of India in September 2009 had started IAS & Allied Services coaching and guidance cell. Though no student from its first batch could pass, two of its candidates from the second batch cleared the prelim exams held June this year.


"A total of 25 students from our centre had appeared for the exams and we were quite sure that at least five of them will clear. We are trying to improve ourselves and are hopeful of better results from now on", Hashmi added.


From this year onwards, the Hajj Committee has also signed an agreement with Synergy Study Centre of Pune for better assistance to its students. Synergy has to its credit a very good success rate in UPSC exams for its students.


Incidentally, few days before the results were out, Mohd Mazhar was selected by the Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation as Depot Manager.


"He is now in a dilemma, to join as Depot Manager at Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation or appear for the final exams to be held in November. We are sure he will decide to appear for the UPSC finals", Hashmi said.







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