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Snooker ace Syed Habib passes away

Saturday August 20, 2011 10:39:54 PM, IANS

Chennai: Former India No.2 snooker player Syed Habib, 71, passed away here Saturday following prolonged illness, according to his son Rafath Habib.

Better known for his snooker prowess, Habib was always a difficult opponent to beat, given his measured approach and highly tactical game that often preyed on the rival's patience.

Habib, who did a coaching stint in Singapore after retirement, was at his peak in the 1980s when he beat the then world billiards champion Michael Ferreira at the Pune Nationals and also finished runner-up to Girish Parekh in the snooker Nationals held in Chennai.

Habib leaves behind two daughters and three sons among whom Rafath followed in his father's footsteps and went on to win the snooker doubles gold medal at the 2002 Asian Games in Busan, Korea.

"Habib was an excellent potter and had a good eye. Unfortunately, he did not receive much exposure, but on his day, he could beat the best in the country," said former National billiards and snooker champion Arvind Savur who was among Habib's closest friends.






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