may shut down all British newspapers: Report
Thursday July 14, 2011 06:49:57 PM,
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London: Rupert
Murdoch is reportedly considering the option of dispensing with
the News International, the group that owns his British newspapers
- The Sun, The Times and the Sunday Times, a media report said.
The media mogul discussed this possibility when he met his "inner
circle" Wednesday, the Daily Express reported Thursday.
Sources said Murdoch was "locked in a series of meetings" to
specifically consider the option, following the closure of the
168-year-old News of the World.
They said Murdoch was concerned to protect the reputation of the
parent News Corporation from further damage after the value of its
shares went down.
While one said "Murdoch has the ruthlessness to amputate the arm
that is threatening the rest of News Corporation," another said a
sale was now a "live possibility".
Murdoch's American newspaper The Wall Street Journal also reported
he was now examining selling News International.
"News Corp has informally explored whether there were any
potential buyers for its UK newspaper unit," it said.
Selling News International could fetch about 300 million pounds
(around $484 million).
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