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World Bank welcomes IIM-Calcutta students for internships

Thursday November 08, 2012 06:29:52 PM, IANS

Kolkata: For the first time in the history of any Indian Institute of Management, the World Bank has offered three internship positions to students of the premier B-school at Calcutta - the IIMC, a release said Thursday.

According to the Indian Institute of Management-Calcutta (IIMC), the World Bank has offered three positions to students in its financial instruments and treasury departments, as part of the B-school's summer placement programme that kicked off Nov 5.

This is the first time that students from any of the 13 IIMs are being recruited for internship at the organisation.

Besides the World Bank, other international banking organisations like Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Nomura and HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, Barclays Capital, Royal Bank of Scotland, Credit Suisse, Standard Chartered, and Rothschild also invited IIMC's students for summer internships.

Despite the sluggish economic scenario, private equity firms like Macquarie Infrastructure Fund and India Alternatives, and Mizuho securities, the third largest investment bank in Japan, also picked up students from IIM-C.

Consulting firms BCG, Bain & Co, and A.T. Kearney initiated the summer placement programme that saw 230 offers made to IIMC's students in the first two days.





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