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Ban foreign funding for mosques, Islamic kindergartens: German ruling party
Thursday April 14, 2016 11:37 PM, IINA

Andreas Scheuer

The financing of German mosques or Islamic kindergartens from foreign Muslim countries should be banned, New Europe Weekly newspaper reported quoting Andreas Scheuer, general secretary of the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU).

The CSU, which is the sister party of the ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU), is in favor of stricter regulations toward Islam in Germany to ensure that the German Muslims are properly integrated into the German society.

Scheuer stressed that Germany needs an Islam law because certain political schools of Islam “prevent people from integrating” in Germany. The CSU politician proposed two main measures. First, mosques, Islamic cultural centers and other Muslim institutions, like kindergartens, should not be allowed to take money from abroad anymore.

The second proposition is that the law pertaining to Islam should guarantee that all Imams who intend to work in Germany will teach in German and most importantly share Germany’s secular values.

The German politician explained that these rules are needed because currently “other value systems, some of them extremist, are imported from abroad.” Scheuer added that Europe “must develop its own kind of Islam.”

According to Deutsche Welle (DW), the German Muslim communities are divided over the CSU proposition with some saying that the proposed measures are “discriminatory” and others saying that they will help in limiting extremists influence.

In responce, the General Secretary of Germany’s Turkish Islamic Union (DITIB), Bekir Alboga told DW the CSU proposed Islam law violates the basic principles of the German constitution. “It’s still discriminatory and it’s still populist,” he said.

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