Mumbai: The State Common Entrance Test Cell, Government of Maharashtra in coordination with Directorate of Technical Education (DTE Maharashtra) is scheduled to display on Monday July 24, 2017 the Provisional Seat Allotment of CAP Round 3 for admission to first year Engineering courses for the academic year 2017-18.
"Display of Provisional Allotment of CAP Round 3 will be done on Monday July 24, 2017 Up to 05:00 pm", the DTE Maharashtra said.
How to check CAP Round Seat Allotment status:
- Click here for direct link to DTE CAP Round III Seat Allotment page:
- Enter Application ID
- Enter Date of Birth in correct format (dd/mm/yyyy)
- Click on Submit button
Candidates should note that though the DTE Maharashtra has fixed 05:00 pm as the time to display CAP Round II Seat Allotment, a delay of few hours is expected.
In case of the delay, students should not get panicked. Instead, they should keep visiting this page for the latest update.
The DTE Maharashtra has also released the schedule for the students to report to ARCs to confirm their admission once their names appeared in the CAP Round III list.
"Reporting to the ARC as per Allotment of CAP Round III if seat allotted for first time in CAP Round 3 should be done between July 25 to July 28, 2017 up to 05:00 pm", it added.
"Display of Vacant Seats for CAP Round-III will be done on July 31", it said.
The DTE Maharashtra had earlier fixed July 21, 2017 as the date to Display the Provisional Seat Allotment of CAP Round 3. The date is rescheduled to Monday July 24 after the DTE announced Additional Round of Online Registration for those students who could not do so till now.
"All the eligible candidates who have failed to complete the process of registration, document verification and confirmation due to various reasons for participating in Admission Process (CAP), are given one more opportunity to apply before July 20", the DTE said in an statement released earlier.
The seat will be alloted in the third round for these students also.
The Maharshtra Admission 2017 process started after the HSC and MHT-CET results were declared.
Students were directed to apply online and verify their documents at Admission reporting Centres (ARCs) till June 17. The last date was however extended by one more day and students applied online till 05:00 pm on June 18, 2017.
The Final Merit List was released on June 22 and CAP Round I ended on July 04. It was supposed to end on July 03, but was extended for one day because of error in online payment system.
The State Common Entrance Test Cell had earlier published a video explaining to the students how to fill the online application form for First Year Maharashtra Engineering Admission 2017.
Candidates through Maharashtra Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy and Hotel Managament admission process can get the chance to study at a college affiliated to one of the 12 universities of Maharashtra.
The process is also applicable for admission to direct second year of Engineering and Technology.