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Relief from unwanted bulk SMSs in six weeks: Sibal

Sunday August 21, 2011 09:45:22 AM, IANS

New Delhi: In welcome relief for millions of mobile subscribers from the menace of unwanted bulk SMSs, Communications Minister Kapil Sibal Friday said the do not disturb (DND) registration number will get operational in six weeks.

"In six weeks, it will be imposed," said Sibal while responding to a volley of supplementaries during question hour in the Rajya Sabha.

Last year, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) announced a set of new measures under the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations 2010 with the objective to provide an effective mechanism for curbing unsolicited commercial communications after realising that its previous attempt to curb unsolicited calls had not really worked.

The regulation includes fine of Rs.25,000 to Rs.250,000 on defaulting firms.

Sibal also mentioned that the government has also decided to impose "heavy fines" on the telecom marketing companies engaged in sending such unsolicited SMSs under various categories to the people.

Under the regulation, the customers can also choose to block all calls or allow messages/calls under seven categories including finance, realty, education, health, consumer goods, entertainment and tourism.

The minister said the new guidelines have been framed keeping the interest of customers and telemarketers in mind while ensuring effective implementation.




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