[Sociologists say Russians have become more tolerant to the manifestations of religious affiliation at schools. (File photo: Anadolu Agency)]
Moscow: Half of Russians think there should not be any ban on wearing hijabs at schools, a poll conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) showed on January 31.
"One in two respondents (50 percent) back lifting the ban on wearing hijabs so that children from Muslim families could study calmly," the pollster said.
Sociologists say Russians have become more tolerant to the manifestations of religious affiliation at schools.
"Some 47 percent of citizens already say that there is nothing wrong with it (compared with 35 percent in 2012)", the pollster added.
The figure is higher among young people (73 percent of respondents aged between 18 and 24 years share this view).
However, some 47 percent of respondents above 45 years of age believe that it is inadmissible for students and teachers to wear a Muslim headscarf.
The poll was conducted on January 28-29 based on phone interviews with 1,200 respondents. The statistical error does not exceed 3.5 percent.
In summer 2013, Russia’s Supreme Court refused to reverse a judgment of the Stavropol district court, in southern Russia, that banned girls from wearing hijabs at schools. In 2015, the Supreme Court upheld the ban on hijabs at schools of Mordovia, in the center of European part of Russia in the Volga basin.