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UPSEE 2018 Admit Card for Paper 1 to Paper 4 released at

Friday April 20, 2018 3:55 PM, News Network

UPSEE Admit Card

Lucknow: Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow has released online the Admit Cards of the candidates who have registered for the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) 2018 Offline Exams to be held on Sunday April 29, 2018.

Candidates should note that the UPSEE Admit Card/Hall Ticket of Paper 1 to Paper 4 whichl will be held in offline mode has only been released today. The Admit Card of UPSEE Paper 5 to Paper 11 which will be held in Online mode (Computer based) will be released later.

How to Download UPSEE 2018 Admit Card

  • Click here to go to website
  • Select Application Form
  • Log in using Application No, Password and Security Pin
  • Click on sign in button
  • Click on the appropriate link to download and take printout

The Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) will be held on April 29, 2018 (UG) in offline mode and on May 05 and 06, 2018 (PG) in online mode. UPSEE offline exam will be held for Paper 1, 2, 3 and 4 - all to be held on April 29 in the morning and afternoon two shifts. UPSEE online exam will be held for Paper 5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11. UPSEE online papers will also be held the morning and afternoon two shifts on May 05 and 06.

The Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) 2018 Offline Exams will be held in 49 cities of uttar Pradesh. The Online Computer based Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) 2018 Offline Exams will be held in 17 cities. The complete list of UPSEE Exam Centres can be accessed on website.

According to the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Examination (UPSEE) 2018 Schedule, the online application process for UPSEE 2018 was started on January 23, 2018. The last date of application was March 30, 2018. UPSEE 2018 result will be declared in the first week of June 2018.

Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Uttar Pradesh is the authority to conduct the Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam (UPSEE) for which about 1.5 lakh candidates appear every year. Last year the UPSEE exams were conducted on April 16, 22 and 23, 2017. The application process in 2017 began on January 18 and last date of application was February 28, 2017.

Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam (UPSEE) is conducted for admission to first year of B. Tech/B.Arch./B.Pharm./BHMCT/BFAD/BFA/ MBA/MCA and 2nd year B. Tech./B.Pharm./MCA (Lateral Entry) courses.

UPSEE 2018 Eligibility

UPSEE Entrance Examination is open to the candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from any institution located in U.P. or whose parents are domicile of U.P subject to the eligibility conditions given in this Information Brochure. If the candidate has passed qualifying examination from outside U.P., he/she has to produce domicile certificate of his/her parents (Father OR Mother only) at the time of verification of the document.

UPSEE 2018 is also open to the candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from any institution located outside U.P. and whose parents (both Father and Mother) are not domicile of U.P subject to the eligibility conditions given in the Information Brochure.

NRI candidates who possess minimum requisite qualification may get direct admission on 5% seats of total intake in State Funded and Private Institutions of Uttar Pradesh in all courses except MBA/MCA/. However, applicants opting B.Arch. course under this category has to appear in Aptitude Test on the day of counseling to be notified later.

UPSEE Paper Pattern

UPSEE-2018 will be conducted for eleven papers with Objective Multiple Type questions except Drawing Aptitude test (Part B of paper 4).

The candidates are required to opt papers and subjects for appearing in the entrance examination as mentioned in clause 4.3, subject to their eligibility as per clause 3 of Information Bulletin.

Paper 1, Paper 2, Paper 3 and Paper 4 shall be OMR based Test only. Paper 5, Paper 6, Paper 7, Paper 8, Paper 9, Paper 10 and Paper 11 will be Computer Based Test.

UPSEE 2018 Marking ans Score

All objective type questions are required to be answered on a specially designed OMR answer sheet against the respective question number. Candidate is supposed to select only one choice for correct answer in each question.

Every objective multiple type question would carry four marks for each correct answer. More than one answers indicated against the question will be deemed as incorrect answer and no marks are awarded for the incorrect answer.

There will be no negative marking. However, a record of incorrect answers given by a candidate will be kept separately.

Answers in OMR based examination (Paper 1, Paper 2, paper 3 and Paper 4) are to be marked using ballpoint pen (Black / Blue) only. For the purpose of evaluation in these papers, the details filled in by the candidate in the OMR answer sheet will be treated as final.

UPSEE Age Limit

There is no age limit for admission to the courses covered in UPSEE-2018.

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