[Vice Chancellor Prof Tariq Mansoor during the signing of MoU between AMU and Universiti Islam Sultan Sharief Ali, Darussalam, Brunei.]
Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) has signed a Memorandum-of-Understanding (MoU) with the Universiti Islam Sultan Sharief Ali, Darussalam, Brunei for academic and research cooperation under exchange programmes of various nature.
A high-powered delegation from the Universiti Islam Sultan Sharief Ali, Brunei visited AMU on Wednesday and met Vice Chancellor Professor Tariq Mansoor in his office.
The delegation led by Dr Haji Norarfan Bin Haji Zainal (Rector, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharief Ali) discussed with the Vice Chancellor, prospects for academic exchange between the two institutions of higher learning and expressed willingness to share developments in research oriented activities.
Dr Nazim Hussain Jafri (Officiating Registrar, AMU) and Dr Haji Norarfan Bin Haji Zainal (Rector, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharief Ali) signed the MoU in presence of AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof Tariq Mansoor.
Dr Mohammad Hussain Ahmad (Deputy Rector, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharief Ali), Prof Asfar Ali Khan (OSD to the Vice Chancellor, AMU), Prof Mohammad Asim Siddiqui (Officiating MIC, Public Relations, AMU) and Mr. Omar Peerzada (PRO, AMU) were present on the occasion.
Under the MoU, the two universities have agreed to undertake students and faculty exchange programmes for facilitating dual-core study under the ‘Study Abroad Programme’ which will allow undergraduate students of one university to undergo ‘work-attachment-programme’ in the host country.
The two universities will conduct workshops and training programmes for each other’s students and faculty while they will also undertake research and developmental projects as partners or co-researchers on research proposals of mutual interest.
Both universities will make endeavours to assist each other in the exchange of publications and join hands to organize educational programmes.
Earlier in the day, the Brunei University delegation visited the Sir Syed Academy, Maulana Azad Library, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, University Mosque, Strachey Hall and paid tributes at AMU founder, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s grave.
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