Kolkata: The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) successfully conducted today the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations (WBJEE) 2018 and is set to release Model Answer Keys on its website wbjeeb.nic.in any moment.
"The Model Answer Keys will be published on "www.wbjeeb.nic.in" shortly after the examination. For this purpose, candidates are advised to regularly follow the website after the examination", the West Bengal board said in a statement.
"Any candidate can challenge any model answer key by logging in with his/her password. Challenges of the model answer keys will be accepted online through the link to be given for the purpose on payment of Rs.500/- per question plus bank’s service charges", the board said.
"The board will review the challenges and publish the Final and Frozen Answer Keys. The board’s decision in this regard will be full and final", the board said.
OMR sheet of the students will however be uploaded later on. The WBJEE 2018 result will be declared on June 05, 2018, the West Bengal board said.
"Images of OMR and machine read responses will be uploaded on the website two to three weeks after the examination", the board said.
"Any candidate can view the images of his/her OMRs and machine read responses by logging in with his/her password. The candidates, who are not satisfied with the captured responses can challenge online through the link given on board’s website on payment of Rs.500 per response plus bank service charge. Challenges by letter, fax, telephone etc other than online mode will not be accepted or entertained", the board added.
The WBJEE 2018 for admissions to undergraduate engineering programmes is held in offline mode i.e. pen and paper based on Sunday April 22, 2018. West Bengal JEE was held in two papers – Paper I & Paper II. WBJEE 2018 Paper I for Mathematics is conducted from 11 am to 1 pm whereas Paper II (combined for Physics & Chemistry) is conducted from 2 to 4 pm on April 22, 2018.
Over 1.27 lakh candidates appear in WBJEE every year conducted by West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board for admissions to undergraduate engineering programmes across Universities, Government Colleges and Self-financing Engineering & Technological Institutes in the state. As per rough estimates, around 36,263 B.Tech/B.E. seats are available across the engineering colleges in the state.
The West Bengal joint Entrance Examinations Board was formed as West Bengal Board of Examinations for Admission to Engineering Degree Colleges in the year 1962, born out of a concept of holding a common admission test for the Engineering colleges of the State of West Bengal.
The basic purpose was to select candidates for consideration for admission to the State Colleges on the basis of the results of a single competitive examination, which would also lead to saving of time, energy and expenditure on the part of the candidates in appearing at number of entrance tests.
The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination, 2018 also known as WBJEEM-2018 is conducted for admission to Engineering / Architecture / Pharmacy Degree Courses in Universities / Colleges in West Bengal.
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